There are a lot of misperceptions about hearing aids, and we’re here to set them straight. Many people with hearing loss avoid getting hearing aids because of their social and cosmetic stigma. However, hearing aids today will truly surprise you. At Hearing and Balance Center, we hear a lot of similar hearing aid myths from patients. Take a look through this list to learn more about hearing aids and how they can help you.
Myth #1: Hearing aids are big and unattractive.
Today’s hearing aid selection is diverse, and none of these devices are the clunky hearing aids of decades past. There are many completely or nearly invisible models of hearing aids to choose from, and even the largest models look sleek and subtle in or behind your ear.
Myth #2: Hearing aids are only for old people.
Only 35 percent of all people with hearing loss are over 65, so people of every age are wearing hearing aids. If you’re concerned about how wearing hearing aids will make you look, talk to your doctor about your treatment plan options that use invisible and barely visible models.
Myth #3: Hearing tests are just for people who are having trouble hearing.
Most hearing loss comes on gradually, which is why many people with hearing loss don’t realize they have it. In fact, 80 percent of all people with hearing loss in the U.S. don’t seek treatment for this condition, which can result in major physical and mental health problems. If you’re under 50, you should get your hearing tested 1–3 times every 10 years. Those over 50 should seek annual or biennial hearing exams.
Myth #4: It isn’t necessary to wear two hearing aids.
While skipping the expense of two hearing aids may be an appealing option, your hearing will suffer from wearing just one device. Most people have bilateral (two-sided) hearing loss and need the help of two hearing aids. More than 90 percent of those with hearing aids benefit from wearing a pair rather than a single device.
Myth #5: Hearing aids are complicated, ineffective and uncomfortable.
Before digital technology, hearing aids were large and limited in their efficacy. These clunky, uncomfortable hearing aids underperformed. Digital technology has changed all of that, though. And despite these huge technical advancements, adjusting your hearing aids is simple, quick and easy. Some models even allow you to use an app to control your hearing aids’ volume, settings and modes.
Myth #6: Hearing aids will restore your hearing.
Hearing loss is an irreversible condition. While hearing aids are great at treating this condition, they will not cure or improve your hearing loss. There are many effective ways to protect your hearing from further damage, though. For more information on this, talk to your hearing loss doctor.